Shropshire Hills Federation - Chirbury, Norbury, Stiperstones

Our Governors

Federation Headteacher  

Mr Les Ball

Chair of Governors
Mrs Rachel Ellen
Term of Office Expires 27/02/25

Parent Governors

Mrs Rachel Ellen
Term of Office Expires 15/12/26

Mrs Emma Cliff
Term of Office Expires 30/06/28

 LA Governor
Mrs Heather Kidd 
Term of Office expires: 25/09/26

 Staff Governor
Mrs Sally-Anne Jones
Term of Office expires: 13/10/2026

Foundation Governors
Revd. Bill Rowell 

Revd. Richard Lonsdale
Co-opted Governors

Mrs Claire Morris
Term of Office expires: 25/09/26

  Mrs Sarah Lennox
Term of Office expires: 25/09/26

Mrs Sharon Hibbott-Preston
Term of Office expires 22/11/25

Mrs Holly Morris

Term of Office expires 20/03/26

Alyson Small
Term of Office expires 20/03/26

Mr Matthew Sankey
Term of Office expires 20/03/26

Mrs Hazel Watkin
Term of Office expires 28/11/26

Mrs Nesta Hill
Term of Office expires: 25/02/2027

Mr Robert Mackle
Term of Office expires: 01/07/28

Mrs Rachel Williams
Term of Office expires: 01/07/28