Shropshire Hills Federation - Chirbury, Norbury, Stiperstones

Ofsted - Stiperstones


The inspection for Stiperstones on 5th July 2024 was an ungraded inspection, which usually means that unless there is a significant improvement or a decline from the previous inspection (2018) then the previous judgement (good) remains the same. If there is a significant change noted, then a further inspection is required.

We are absolutely thrilled that inspectors concluded:

…the evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might be outstanding if a graded (section 5) inspection were carried out now. The school’s next inspection will be a graded inspection.

Therefore, Ofsted will revisit Stiperstones again in “one to two” years to gather further evidence to support a judgement of outstanding.


Ofsted summed them up well:

Behaviour is impeccable because pupils know what they should do and why they should do it. Even the youngest children understand that they have responsibilities to others; to be kind and respectful to other children and adults alike 


I could not be prouder of our children and of our schools. I Look forward to the coming year with great anticipation as we have lots of exciting projects across The Federation to make all three schools even better than they are now.

Les Ball

Please click on the link below to view our most recent Ofsted Report