Shropshire Hills Federation - Chirbury, Norbury, Stiperstones

Headteacher's Welcome

Dear parents, carers, friends and visitors,

Welcome to our Federation website, from which you will get a brief flavour of our beautiful schools and nurseries: Norbury, Stiperstones, Chirbury and Busy Bees Nursery. We are very proud that each of our schools and nurseries is judged as “Good or Outstanding” by Ofsted, but more importantly than that, we aim to ensure that all children have the chance to shine in many different ways so that they can grow and thrive in a happy and nurturing environment.

 Each of our schools and nurseries is unique and they differ in many ways. However, throughout our Federation, our aims are very similar and our dedicated staff share a similar philosophy and ethos. We work together as one team to make sure that every child receives the best possible opportunities and experiences to engage and support them now, and prepare them for later life, in whatever shape or form that takes.

Our vision of education is one of excellence, enjoyment, high expectation and inclusion of all children in a rich and diverse curriculum. We believe that children learn best through practical application of skills and we endeavour to provide many exciting opportunities for them to do this. We aim to provide the highest standards of care to ensure that every child is able to feel safe, secure, happy and confident; allowing each to learn, thrive and enjoy their time at school in their own unique way. We aim to equip children with the highest possible standards in the basic skills of reading, writing and mathematics; to provide them with a secure platform on which to build their lives.

But lifelong learning is far more than basic skills. Through our own passion for learning, we hope to instil a love of learning in every child. We want each and every one to be able to express themselves through a love of writing and literature, music, art, sport and drama. We want to develop children who value all aspects of learning equally. Through a broad, topic based curriculum, we provide opportunities for children to discover for themselves the wonders of science, to develop a fascination for mathematics, embrace new technology and learn about their own communities and the wider world. We encourage children to have a sound understanding of their own culture and that of others, along with tolerance and respect for all faiths and religions.

From the moment our children enter the Nursery, we work alongside parents and carers to develop independence in all aspects of life. They learn to keep themselves safe and to look after others through a wide range of experiences such as Forest School, numerous and varied off-site visits and residential trips. We firmly believe that children learn best from practical experiences, particularly outdoors, and this is why we ask our PTAs to raise funds especially so that we can take every child on amazing adventures without having to ask parents for money to do so.

We provide many opportunities for children to work with, and play alongside children from other schools, both locally and in contrasting areas of the country. We actively promote social interaction within our own school too, by providing exciting after school clubs every afternoon. These vary throughout the year, but include: engineering, cookery and baking, ukulele, football, tag rugby, netball, arts and crafts, drama, yoga, wildlife watch and the very popular stay and play club, where children simply spend time together in a very informal atmosphere. Together with our daily breakfast clubs at each school, this also provides a valuable service for working parents.

Although our website will offer you a taste of our schools and their facilities, to experience the vibrancy of each, you have to meet the people who make it what it is; the children, staff, parents and governors. If you would like to visit, you are most welcome. Please contact Mrs Nikki Rodick at Norbury and Stiperstones or Mrs Catriona Oakley at Chirbury and Busy Bees, to make an appointment; we look forward to welcoming you.

Mr Les Ball

Federation Headteacher